Hot Dog! The sun is out. While a lot of people head out to enjoy the warm sunshine, you should be on alert if your dog feels sick every summer.
What Happens To Your Dog During Summer?

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As humans, we keep ourselves cool by sweating. When it starts to become a lot to bear, you simply grab a glass of ice tea or a can of soda and all is okay. Unfortunately, the same does not apply to your four-legged best friend. Not only is it forbidden for your dogs to drink iced tea, but he is also incapable of sweating well. As you may already know, dogs can only cool themselves by panting.
It has been said that certain breeds have more affinity to hot weather than others. Dogs like Basenji and Pharaoh are used to living in high-temperature climates. Beagles, Dalmatians, and Chihuahuas thrive well during the summer since their coats are thin and short. Unfortunately, those dogs that have thick coats and short noses are not as fond of rising temperatures.
How To Keep Your Dog Comfy During Hot Season
It doesn’t matter if your dog is thick-coated or thin-coated, your dog can be active and healthy under the sun if you supply them with enough water and take them out of the sun every once in a while.
Whatever the breed is, any pup will benefit from added precautionary measures
during summertime. Below are some ways you can save your dog from intense heat:
- Stay in the shade.
Find ways to cool down areas where your dog frequents. Invest in an outdoor thermometer, so you can find a sweet, nice spot for your dog. For those who do not have a large tree in their backyard, maybe a canvas canopy for your small patio is worth the investment During summer, you can also get a collapsible shade tent that can be easily installed when it is hot outside.

Photo by Arabella Brown on Unsplash
- Be careful if you decide to go for a swim.
If you happen to have a pool at home or there is a lake nearby, it is okay to take the plunge with your pooch. But, be careful. Swimming when a dog is about to experience a heatstroke can worsen his situation. Why? When the surface temperature of the dog suddenly lowers down, it can lead to increased temperature of his internal organs. What you can do is have him slowly enter into the water. Soak your dog’s feet in cold water for a while checking his temperature.
- Wind him up.
Do you know how it feels when a wind breezes through you and you are immediately relieved? Creating a breeze for your dog (when there is none) can put your dog in temporary ease. Open a window and let natural breeze inside your home or turn on the fan. This method can help in some ways but do not expect too much out of it. Dogs do not sweat a lot, and fans only work by stimulating cooling down by means of dissipation.
- Put some ice in your pooch’s drink.
If you enjoy taking a cold drink during hot weather, assume that your dog will feel the same way once he takes a sip of iced water from his water bowl. All you have to do is add ice to the bowl every now and then.
- Spray some mist on your dog.
Using a garden hose to spray your dog down will scare him off, not to mention it will cause your water bill to soar. Try using a mist-creating attachment to your faucet. This will spray a nice fine mist that can cover a small or wider range depending on the setting. You can get a small-quart sized sprayer that has an attached small fan.
- Get a small and cool spot where your dog can lie down.
You may notice how some dogs look for somewhere to relax whenever they feel extra hot. For that, you might need to get a cooling pad that you can use both indoors and outdoors. An elevated cot is another good option.
- Stay out of places that do not facilitate airflow movement.
No to dog houses, parked cars, or anything that prevents cool air from coming in. When taking a long trip for the summer, make sure that your car’s air-conditioning unit is fully functional.
- Be aware of the signs of heatstroke.
Every time you take your dog for a walk, be sure to bring enough water to keep him satiated. Aside from that, be on guard. Take notice of your dog’s body language and behaviour. When a dog stops all of a sudden after running or walking, you should let him rest and catch his breath. Put out a collapsible dish and pour some water in it. The first thing you should check is the ears. If they are erect, it means he is still fine. On the other hand, drooped down ears are a symbol that something is wrong. Next, you should also observe your dog’s tail. In the beginning, you will see that some dogs wag their tail. It can be an expression of excitement, but it should be considered as a warning sign especially if the dog’s tail starts to drift down slowly.
Heatstroke can be characterized by:
- Excessive Panting
- Increased Temperature
- Salivating
- Fatigue
- Vomiting
- Diarrhoea
- Discomfort
- Disorientation
- Muscle Tremors
- Seizures

Photo by Usman Omar on Unsplash
Be aware. Stand on guard. Proactiveness will go a long way when taking care of your pooch during dry and hot weather. Just be sure to keep a steady supply of water and continuously give the supplements to boost their immune system and energy.
About the Author:
Charles is a certified pet-lover who writes for RestoraPet he with his wife, enjoys doing volunteer work in various animal shelters at his city.